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Street Inspiration

6 Apr


Sad as it may sound, when I am feeling a little down what I do to pick myself up (if I can’t afford to go shopping of course) is reorganizing my wardrobe! Because as you know you will always find something that you have forgotten you even had when you’re re-doing your wardrobe! And though that’s not as good as getting a whole new outfit, at that particular time the feeling you get when you find that long forgotten purchase you have made, will be “nearly” as good as buying a new outfit!

So the other day I was looking through my clothes, and found a good few things I had forgotten about but I couldn’t find anything I already had to match them with. So I started looking for inspirations! And what better way to look for inspirations than women on the streets, right? So, I started looking through some magazines and street fashion online…. and so  I wanted to share my findings with you guys. These are all pictures of ordinary women just like you and I on the streets from all over the world. Take a look… Be inspired!



Good Bye Childhood

20 Jan

Hello friends,

My birthday is coming up next week, and I have yet to find an outfit. I wanted to do something different this year but I couldn’t really think of anything, so I just decided to have a “Good Bye” party. The theory behind it is pretty simple, I am simply saying to my childhood. I know it’s a tad dramatic, but drama is my middle name…. and the outfit I’m searching for will have to be as well. I am obsessed with red lately, so I am looking for something red. I already have a pair of shoes I bought two weeks ago which I haven’t worn yet. I got them in Schuh and they were on sale. They went down from €100 to just €50 which is not too shabby.

I was thinking about going to Swopshop this weekend to see if they have anything that might be suitable for my birthday. Swopshop is a store where you can exchange your wardrobe, they can sometimes be a hit a miss but I have seen a couple of things there before that I wouldn’t mind owning… So I think it’s time I go back there and check it out. I have recently lost a significant amount of weight (more to come on that and how I did it later), which means I have a lot of things I can’t ware anymore. I have tried tailoring a few things myself, and brought some to my amazing tailor but I still have a lot I simply can’t use anymore and these are things I’ve never even worn before. So I am going there this weekend, and let you know how I got on.
